Edison Datalogue

The GE Healthcare Edison Datalogue shares data and images from across the care delivery network anywhere, anytime1 through a secure and regulatory compliant IT ecosystem that promotes uninterrupted clinical workflow and interoperability. Edison™ Datalogue™ is the first component of the Enterprise Data Hub which is comprised of the GE Healthcare Vendor Neutral Archive, analytics, and a collaboration suite of tools that bring together clinically relevant data needed to provide timely patient care.

More than Image Exchange - Collaboration

  • Connect the community through patient centric collaboration and advanced care coordination

    • Dynamically share and collaborate on patient images and data across the clinical community
    • Enable diverse care use cases like care team coordination and patient referrals
    • Secure, standards based, scalable, cloud or on premises

Vendor neutral sharing and visualisation

  • Connect clinicians across hospitals, health systems and regions

    • Collaboration and care pathway optimization
    • Imaging and multi-media patient content with seamless access
    • Interoperability standards like IHE, DICOM web, and XDS

Some outcomes achieved by your peers

  • 30% 
    time savings with vendor neutral sharing and visualisation
  • Full picture 
    of the patient easily accessible at any time, from any place
  • Reduction 
    in repeat test or scan requests saving time and money
  • Enhanced 
    decision making for clinicians3

Actionable insights

  • How to transform data into actionable insights?

    Comprehensive analytics solutions can help you extract and interpret data to:

    • Help to drive enterprise imaging operational efficiency and financial performance
    • Help to reduce total cost of ownership for enterprise imaging IT systems
    • Help to reduce time to retrieve clinical images providing complete patient context to improve care

1. Performance may very per customer 
2. Overview of solution outcomes and benefits at EMRAD. How to unlock the value of your digital ecosystem? JB55851XXb
3. Case Study UZA Belgium. How Centricity Clinical Archive can help to drive efficiency and clinical quality with Hospital-wide access to patient documents through the UV ZFP viewer. JB23451XX
