Spine Auto Views
At a glance
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Automatic generation of consistent, anatomically relevant reformats.
Deep learning based post-processing application
- • Deep learning algorithm for automatic labeling of vertebral bodies and disc
spaces with >90% labeling accuracy
- • Deep learning algorithm for axial oblique images optimized for orientation
through vertebral disc spaces with >90% accuracy
- • Automatic generation of curved reformats to display the full spine in
aligned coronal/sagittal planes
- • Based on protocol settings, up to 6 series are automatically created with labels, annotations, and directly transferred to predefined DICOM destinations
Hear from your peers on the benefits of using Spine Auto Views in their daily practice**
“The main benefits Spine Auto Views brings us are:
1. Fast and reliable workflow
2. Less reconstructions on the PACS
3. Clearer for clinicians, thanks to anatomic labeling.”
Dr. Gert-Jan Allemeersch
Neuroradiologist, UZ Brussel, Belgium
Hear from your peers on the benefits of using Spine Auto Views in their daily practice**
“Before using Spine Auto Views, scanning a CT spine would take about 15 minutes, I would say from start to finish. And now I can say with a patient that has much mobility, we can finish a scan in 5 minutes.”
Elise Capel
Certified Radiology Nurse, UZ Brussel, Belgium
Hear from your peers on the benefits of using Spine Auto Views in their daily practice**
“The biggest advantages Spine Auto Views brings us are speed, efficiency, consistency which aids to reduce stress and more time for patient care.”
Mustafa Alhammadi
Radiographer, UZ Brussel, Belgium
**The views and opinions expressed are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of GE HealthCare.
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